What Do We Offer

Security Assessment Services


Security Assessment Services for OT, IIoT, and IoT

Fortifying Your Defenses with Expertise in OT, IIoT, and IoT Security


Our multidisciplinary team of cybersecurity experts specializes in Operational Technology (OT), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and enterprise IoT security, catering specifically to the nuanced needs of our customers. Understanding that proactive threat detection and rapid response strategies are as mission-critical as preventive measures, our team operates with an “assume breach” mindset, ensuring vulnerabilities or breaches are swiftly addressed in your OT, IIoT, or enterprise IoT networks.


Our comprehensive assessments identify vulnerabilities in industrial control systems, enabling proactive mitigation of cyber threats that could disrupt operations or compromise product integrity.

Healthcare Providers

Ensure patient data privacy, uphold regulatory compliance, and maintain uninterrupted services by fortifying medical IoT devices and networks against cyber attacks through our specialized security audits.

Smart City

Strengthen resilience against cyber threats by leveraging our expertise in assessing and securing interconnected municipal systems, critical infrastructure, and public services powered by IIoT technologies.

What You Will Get

Core Components of Our Superior Security Review Services

Elevate Your Cybersecurity with Expert OT, IIoT, and IoT Protection

Leverage preventive security measures to proactively thwart cyber threats, safeguard critical assets, and maintain operational integrity for long-term resilience.


Our journey begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your unique infrastructure and assess your specific cybersecurity business risks, as well as risks faced within your industry vertical.


To better grasp the potential threats to your business, we conduct threat modeling to identify and prepare for high-impact cybersecurity risks, enabling proactive defense against potential threats to your infrastructure.


Recognizing that each business is unique, we craft customized security plans tailored to your specific needs and identified gap areas. This ensures optimal protection for your key infrastructure components.


Benefit from our in-depth security audits that scrutinize your OT, IIoT, and enterprise IoT infrastructure, identifying weaknesses and offering targeted recommendations.


Enhance your security posture with our real-time threat detection tools designed to spotlight anomalies and events that signal a potential breach in your environment.

You Need Us

Why Do You Need Us?

Building Cyber Resilience
We empower your team through knowledge sharing and collaboration, fostering a culture of cyber awareness and effective response to potential threats.
Proactive Defense
We go beyond basic measures with an “assume breach” strategy, proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in your OT, IIoT, and IoT systems.
Collaborative Approach
Our team works closely with you, providing real-time monitoring and threat intelligence to stay ahead of potential risks and ensure a robust security posture.
Custom Tailored Solutions
We understand every business is unique. Our assessments and security plans are specifically designed to address your identified gaps and safeguard your critical OT, IIoT, and IoT infrastructure.
In-Depth Expertise
Our team possesses deep knowledge of OT, IIoT, and IoT security, offering specialized threat modeling, vulnerability detection, and mitigation strategies.
Continuous Monitoring
Safeguard your systems with our advanced threat detection tools that constantly monitor for anomalies and potential breaches in your OT, IIoT, and IoT environment.
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